Partner Webinar: Bridging the Digital Divide: Review of a Successful Program Model and Lessons Learned

Publisher: Women's Funding Network

With the recent launch of ConnectHome, much attention has been directed at Austin, which was named a “mentor city” for this program. Join us for a conversation about Unlocking the Connection, an initiative underway in Austin aiming to bridge the digital divide for the more than 4,300 public housing residents, and learn about how the lessons learned can be applied elsewhere.

Unlocking the Connection is a collaborative effort that was launched by the Housing Authority of the City of Austin (HACA) and its nonprofit Austin Pathways in November of 2014, aimed at providing free basic Internet access; a continuum of digital literacy programs that are linguistically, culturally, and age-appropriate; and the opportunity for every HACA household to earn a refurbished computer device. Google Fiber’s commitment to help HACA’s residents get connected helped inspire more than twenty partners to sign on, including Austin Community College, Austin Free-Net, and many others.


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