Scholarship Spotlight: Rakan Alsankari

As told by Rakan Alsankari, Northgate resident

Many seniors do not know what they want to do after high school, or what they want to do with their lives. But for me, the situation is different.Since I was in elementary school in Jordan (a sovereign Arab state in Western Asia), I had an idea of what I want to be, and this idea has become clearer and more focused over time.

Because of my life experience, my career goal is to become a doctor.

My family and I have experienced many medical problems – especially my dad. Every time my dad is feeling pain, I wish I could give him a magical medicine that would remove that pain.

Also, at the time when my home country was at war, I witnessed other people being shot and injured. I was constantly hoping I could do something to help.

Because of the medical condition of my dad, and the fact that I am the only son in my family, I worked a lot of hours after school and on weekends to help support my two sisters. I struggled to manage the demands of school and work. However, I recently graduated from Harmony Science Academy – North Austin with a 3.9 GPA

But now the challenges may become harder. Now instead of working just to help my family, another big rock has been put on my shoulders – covering college costs.

The Austin Pathways HACA Scholarship is one of the tools that will help me overcome this challenge. I am also proud to have been honored with a scholarship from the Texas Chapter of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials.

With the help of these two scholarships, I have full belief in myself that I will achieve my dreams.

I applied to several colleges that I would consider to be the best in Texas, and finally settled on Austin Community College. In the fall, I am looking forward to beginning my pre-med journey by taking foundational science classes like biology and anatomy.

My short-term goals are to focus on improving my English language proficiency, and doing the best I can to get high grades. My long-term goals are to finish college, go to medical (or dental) school, and to take care of my body by staying in good shape.

Thank you for giving me a big push toward a bright future, and for providing a supporting hand that will help bring my dream closer, and has made success easier to achieve.

For more information about how you can apply for an Austin Pathways HACA Scholarship, contact Felisa Epps at or call (512) 767-7825.