Scholarship Spotlight: Dorothy Howard

As told by Dorothy Howard, Rosewood Courts Resident

I want to thank Austin Pathways and HACA for all the support you have given me these last two years through the Austin Pathways HACA Scholarship.

Continuing to work on earning a bachelor’s degree in psychology in Huston-Tillotson University’s Adult Degree Program has been an awesome experience.

In September, I will have enough credits to receive my associate’s degree in liberal arts. Once I receive my bachelor’s degree, I will only have eight more months to go to earn my chemical dependency counselor certificate. Then, I will be able to go before the board and get my Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor license. Once I have all my credentials in place, I will be able to go to work a a rehabilitation center.

I am determined to open up a home for women with children. This would be a place where mothers struggling with addiction can bring their children with them, and get the healing they need. In doing this, they will become once again a provider for their children on their own, instead of waiting on public assistance. This will cause them to want better for their children than what they had when they were growing up.

I am excited for the opportunity to no longer live on disability. I am looking forward to being able to save money for both my short- and long-term goals. I can’t wait to become a first-time homeowner.

I will become the woman that God has truly called me to be. I will also be able to leave a legacy for the next generation and all the generations to come after me.

For more information about how you can apply for an Austin Pathways HACA Scholarship, contact Felisa Epps at or call (512) 767-7825.